Kujenga Nguvu

Buildi ng our po wer is cr itical to our survi al and advanceme nt as a pe ople. The po wer to feed, clot he, shelt er, and heal o urselves -- the po wer to defend ou r land, our people, an d our cultu ral creati ons -- th e power to educate our childre n about t he strat egies we use to servi ce our peo ple, and the science and mathe matics th at undergir d those strat egies. This is Kujenga Nguvu.


eet Our


Whether in thei r capaci ties as Co-Di rectors of Kibolebo le Educational Inst itute, or Instructors at AYA Educational In stitute, Eve lyn and Baoku Du duyemi have bee n a formidable t eam in servi ce of the education of Afrikan people for mo re than a decade. Lothy Mollel grew up on the Maasai Bo ma, an d graduated first in his clas s as a safari guide. His knowledge of Arusha, it's infrastruct ure and local flora and fau na as well as hi s love for the children of Tanzania are e vident in his daily work. His attent ion to det ail is unmis takable.
Flora & Fauna Guide Logistics Manager
Lothy Mollel
TLW Urban Growe r WHB Facilitator
B aoku Dudu yemi
Physics & Mat h Instructor WHB Facilitator
Evelyn Duduyem i


Afrikans created the first civilizati on, and with it, the fi rst metho ds of sustai ning a people. Tribes famous in Tanzania for farming in t he ujamaa style i nclude the Nyaturu, Nyeramba, and Nyisanzu, Warangi, and Wairaq. There is no one famous farmer--there are Afrikan men and women, wo rking to su stain thei r families and their peo ple. The re are only t hree weste rn style groce ry stores in Northern Tanzania. T here are hundreds of open ai r markets. T hese are fille d with produce that is grown in e very yard, every back ro ad an d every main road throughout the regi on. Seven ty percent of the Tanzanian population grows food.
Urban Gardening Has Deep Roots
Wha t is being re membered in the US has not been forgotten in Tanzania...yet.



50 0 Chinese companies in Tanzania and 800+ Chinese firms poised to enter the market Single Saudi e nergy firm slated to "invest" $9B in infrastructure, real e state and health
Pullin g Us Away From G rowing While Push ing Us Off The Land

A South


frikan Story

80% Af rikan s
20% Eur opea ns
10% Ara ble l and
"You are 95% of the populati on. Why have n't you run the Boers off of t he land?" ---Baoku "The people must relearn how to su stain themselves in o rder to sust ain a fight." ---South Afrikan Grow er


g the Soil

A recen t graduate will be selected fro m Arusha's prem ier teacher's co llege and awarded a competitive salary to learn to teach "The AYA Way".
Studen ts will mee t after scho ol and on Saturdays t o take classes and conduct research.
Local commun ity elders wi ll share thei r wisdom and experiences related to agriculture in Tanzania.
Studen ts in the US will have the opportun ity to st udy in parallel to their Tanzanian counterparts. The Afrikan an d Diasporan cohorts will m eet regularly to exchange i nformation and ideas.
Teacher Training Elder Expertise
Student Driven US Cohorts
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat


r Training

A recen t graduate will be selected from A rusha's premier teacher's college and awarded a competit ive salary to learn to te ach "The AYA Way".
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat



Studen ts will me et after sch ool and on Saturdays to take classes and conduct research.
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat

Elder Expertise

Local commu nity elders will share their wisdom and e xpe riences related to agricultur e in Tanzania.
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat

US Cohorts

Studen ts in th e US will have the opportun ity to st udy in parallel to their Tanzanian coun terparts. The Afrikan and Diasporan coh orts will meet regularly to exch an ge info rmation and ide as.
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat


g the Soil

Protect Tanzanian agricultural heritage Improve math and scien ce proficiency in Tan zania through the study of agricultural science
Educati onal Innovatio n to Co unter the Threat

Sowing Seeds for Afrik

an Sovereingty

There is a profound biochemistry within t he traditio nal healing that has provided a self -reliance for our people. Chyo te, aloe vera, and a v ari ety of plants have been used to stitch wounds, knock out malaria, and even cure cancer.
The Sacred Life of Plants
An exploration of plant architecture an d growth patterns reveals beauti ful and advanced mathemati cal truths.
Plants Can Count!
Find out how many le eks you can plant next to your carrots in your fron t yard, how many families you can feed, and how much so ap you can make f rom goat milk.
Growth Mathem atics
Could the mathematics that runs laptops , satellites and cell phones be hidden in this an cient East Afrikan board game?
Binary Bao
Time to get our hands dirty and grow plan ts that heal. Time to safari t hrough the ope n field and learn about all of the foo d that grows w ild in Mt Me ru's shadow.
The Medicin e Garden
Get to know Nana George Washington Carver as we study his life in service of Afrikan people, an d use his work to prepare young Tanzan ians to fo llow his example.
Countdown to Carver

The Sa

cred Life of


There is a profoun d biochemist ry within the tradit ional healin g that has provide d a self-reliance for our people. Chyote, aloe vera, and a variety of plants have been used to stitch wounds, knock out malaria, and even cure cancer.
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty




Find out how many leeks you can plant ne xt to your carrots in yo ur front yard, how many families you can feed, and how much soap you can make f rom goat milk.
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty

The Medicine


Time to get our hands dirty and gro w plants t hat heal. Time to safari through the open field and learn about all of the fo od that grows wild in Mt Meru's shadow.
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty

Plants Ca

n Count!

An exploration of plan t architectur e and growt h patterns re veals beautiful and advanced mathemat ical truths.
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty

Binary Bao

Could th e mathematics that runs laptops, satellites and cell ph ones be hidden in this anci ent East Af rikan board game?
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty


wn to


Nana George Washington Carver's science teacher to ld to him, "Learn all you can George and brin g it back to o ur people." In t his project we combine the visi on of bo th Carver and Nyerere to guide o ur using math and scien ce to place agricut ure at the ce nter of our service.
Sow ing See ds for A frikan Soverei ngty

A Harv

est from


Tanzania's cult ure and self- reliance is under att ack. Your support of AYA Tanzania w ill help protect a stron gh old of Afrikan agr icultural self- suffi ciency and familyhood for gen erations to come.


lius Kambarage


"We must now give it [agriculture] the central place in all our development planning. For agr iculture is indeed the foundation of a ll our progress."
Lead Tan ganyika/T anzania f rom 1962-1985
APRIL/MAY $10,000
MAY/JUNE $10,000
JUNE/JULY $10,000


in 3 mon


It's a substantial goal. It's a substantial project. The impact of this wor k will be felt for years to come. Your Tanzan ian children and grandchildren, who retain the abilit y to grow their own food, will be able to fight, h eal and build for our people in ways that those who have lost the ability to feed themse lves will not . Please give what you can. Please spread th e word. Please join the US Cohort. Please volunte er on eith er side of t he ocean.

Contact Us

Website : www.kibolebole .c om Email : info@kibolebo
Pho ne : +255 748 412 032