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ex ea proident irure? Ullamco esse non
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Other people’s stories stream around us -
podcasts, newscasts, reality TV, NETFLIX, ESPN,
social media, magazines, books, sound tracts,
classrooms, mistrusted opinions, and more. All
of them advocating something: an attitude,
outlook, a value, a fact, a product, a worldview to
twist our experience.
They encourage us to tell stories of admiration
and forgiving for them while disdain and
deficiency become story standards for our family
and our people. Under the alien’s influence, our
Broken Stories
Aliens are not just characters from Star Trek.
They are from outside our community,
community interest, and culture.
We’re not a broken family or a broken-
people, we just have broken stories!
grandmothers’ stories and wisdom pearls become
disposable costume jewelry, our grandfathers’
determination and work become puny and pitiful.
His mistakes are wildly amplified and unforgivable.
So are ours. Our past injuries become iron shackles.